An Islamic guide to financial empowerment

Assalaamu alaykum waragmatullahi wabarakaatu

“An Islamic guide to financial empowerment”

It was a distinct pleasure to have presented a webinar on ‘how to start your business” with the beautiful and highly motivated Shajar team and their followers. I was initially anxious about the presentation as it was the first time I had presented to a global group and of one so prestigious, because women empowerment is, aftercall, very close to my heart.

My initial reaction to the request as guest speaker was that I would be treading in unfamiliar waters and mainly because of my impression of women in India, however, my assumptions were put to task, and I learnt the lesson. I was surrounded by a group of inspired women ready and determined to make their dreams come true. The presentation kicked off and while feeling a bit anxious due to the normal zoom imposter syndrome of being the only person in the room, I found it refreshing when the ladies started interacting. They asked questions, they listened, they participated, but more importantly, they learnt and that to me was gratifying beyond words. I later found myself enjoying the session, interacting as if we were sisters sitting in a lounge or dining area sharing a cup of coffee. One of the ladies even decided to share her video which was a sheer delight. I felt like I belonged… like I contributed… like I was home. It reminded me why I started my business….to inspire, to motivate and empower.

As a business owner, coaching and entrepreneur, my business is dedicated in helping women build confidence to overcome fear so that they may live a meaningful life. I know how hard it is to take the bold step, alone without any idea of what and how things would come together. I know how it feels not generating money, hustling and juggle time to make ends meet. It is through this that I became convicted to helping others who are on the same journey as I.

My business is growing because of women like the Shajar team. We share, we teach, we network, hoping that value is added, and ideas are shared and expressed. Women have a special place on this dunya, we are mentioned in the Holy Quraan, and we are reminded about courageous Muslim women, who symbolized faith, motherhood, and business entrepreneurship at another level.

We should never shy away from our calling.AQIA Coaching was named after my children’s letters of their names because it is built on a fierce level of love and purpose. Here I help my clients reach their purpose, attain their goals, and transform into their own best version of themselves. I do this through coaching, women empowerment workshops as well as business consulting. As a mentor at a prominent university in Cape Town, I partner with small business owners while they learn about the exciting dynamics of the business world. I have authentic and individualised products and services and my gift to all the attendees today is a sadaqah to bless my business even further.

Once again, to the professional and dedicated, Shaheen and team, thank you for allowing me the opportunity and for challenging me to think beyond my personal borders. I look forward to hosting many more sessions with this dynamic team, ameen insha-Allah! Let me leave you with this thought, when two flames come together, we are able to burn brighter. To claim the 45-minute free business consultation, kindly contact me to setup our virtual session. We will discuss your business challenges and flesh out some ideas to help the sister get on her way, insha-Allah.

Details below: Join my Facebook private group: Shift from fear to flow


WhatsApp: +27 84 840 3288

Jazakallah geyran,

Assalaamu alaykum waragmatullahYumna

SabanCoach, Entrepreneur & Owner

AQIA Coaching Consultant

Cape Town, South Africa

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