Falling in love with the Qur’an

Salaams everyone 

Coach Haafila here
Honoured Alhamdulillah to be given the chance by Shajar learning to be writing this blog. 

I was glad to conduct the session on 20th March.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by the  team member of Shajar, requesting me to give a seminar for thier audience.  

All praises to Allah, who inspired me to come up with the beautiful topic “Falling in love with the Quran!” 

It was a pleasure to deliver this seminar, as it was very needed and beneficial for everyone who attended Alhamdulillah. 

As I completed the seminar,  I couldn’t stop myself from thanking Allah for this blessing.  A few years ago, I myself was struggling to maintain consistency with the Book of Allah and here I am teaching it other sisters. 

Being an ambitious soul and mom of 5 young children while bieng an entrepreneur is definitely a challenge but Subhanallah,  Allah always answers duas in the best of ways. Throughout my 7 years of journey towards spirituality,  the best of Allah’s abundant blessings for me, was the deep understanding of the power dua and the ability to reflect on the Quran. 

These are  huge blessing for both this world and the hereafter but unfortunately a lot of the Muslim community hasn’t been using this blessings as it should be. The Quran is full of duas and valuable lessons,  which when learnt and applied, has the immense potential to transform lives by the will of Allah. 

My intention with my coaching programs is to help sisters build a lifestyle that easily incorporates the Quran and teachings of our Prophet (pbuh) with mindset practices and simple habit building techniques. 

As an NLP Practioner with strong empathy Allah has blessed me with the capability to understand the sisters deeply and help them according to thier needs.

Blended with Quran, which serves a the main source of guidance in my coaching sessions , you’ll definitely leave with a barakah filled energy each time, to keep you going in your spiritual journey inshallah. 

Currently I provide 3 months 1:1 coaching sessions, which includes a free sample  session.
I’m also intending to start my group coaching program in the month of May inshallah.
More information will be announced in my Social media pages.

All the links to the coaching programs and social media are provided below. 


I pray that Allah blesses all of us and keeps guiding us towards what pleases Him until the day we return to Him.

Jazakallah khair for reading and I can’t wait to see you ❤

Ummul Haafila
NLP Practioner 
Spiritual Productivity coach

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Email: shajarlearning@gmail.com