Hadith e Jibrīl

Assalammu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu.

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. It always gives me immense joy to teach or train young minds about our wonderful deen. I was looking for yet another opportunity where I could interact with the little ones and convey some beautiful message of Islam.

Alhamdulillah, I met sister Shaheen on a social media platform, who is engaged in a noble cause of educating young people about deen. I joined her as a volunteer and she gave me the chance of conducting a workshop on the topic Hadith-e-Jibril. It is very rightly said “if you want to master something then you must teach it to others”. I started my research on the topic and went through the entire Hadith minutely so that I can convey it in the correct manner.Sister shaheen took the pain of spreading the word about the workshop. We received about 40-45 requests for joining from interested parents and children.

The workshop was free and it was meant for 7-12 years old children. It was held on Sunday, the 13th February, 2022 at 6 in the evening. It was an online workshop conducted via Google Meet.

As soon as I joined the meeting, I was greeted by curious little people with beautiful smiles. The workshop ran smoothly throughout. I tried explaining each part of the Hadith as simply as I could, so that the children can grasp the core message of Islam.Hadith-e-Jibril narrates the questions asked by Jibril (AS) to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

The questions that were asked sums up to give the most integral message of Islam. The Questions were as follows:What is Islam?What is Imaan?What is Ihsaan? What are the signs of the Day of Judgement? The answers given by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were true and genuine without any ambiguity. If anyone reads this Hadith, then the person will get the core messages of Islam and will realize how simple and meaningful Islam is.The participants were all ears throughout the session and answered every questions asked during the session correctly and with great interest. After the explanation of the hadith, activities were conducted.

The first activity was conducted by me, it was a quiz session where the questions were related to the topic, the objective being to examine how much the children had understood. It was motivating to see how everyone was curious to answer. The next activity was conducted by sister Shaheen, in which she had provided a coloring sheet to the kids. The sheet contained a pictorial presentation of the hadith which the children had to color as vibrantly as they could. Every participant did the activity with great enthusiasm.Overall, the workshop was a great success, Alhamdulillah. I honestly feel elated to be a part of sister Shaheen’s team. I look forward to more such opportunities where I can impart the knowledge which I strive to gather about my wonderful deen.

May Allah (SWT) accept it from us and guide us to the right path throughout the journey of our life. Ameen.

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