Mommy and me


Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatu.
Ramadan is the 9th month of the lunar calender. It’s a month full of barakah. Each good deed performed by us is multiplied 70 times and rewarded accordingly. Shaitan is chained so that he’s unable to mislead us by his devilish waswasa. It’s a month of Allah’s (SWT) rahmah. A month to fast and gain Allah’s (SWT) mercy upon us. It’s a month of sacrifice and compassion towards our fellow brothers and sisters. Allah has blessed us with immense ability and strength to strive in the right path, so we must grab this opportunity to cleanse our soul through good deeds and charity especially in this month.

A pre-ramadan camp was organized by Shajar which aimed to convey the message of how to earn more and more rewards during this blessed month. It was a workshop conducted on Saturday, 2nd April, 2022. Children along with their mothers were invited to participate in the workshop.

The session began with the narration of a beautiful Hadith about the importance and value of mothers.

The hadith states:
A person came to our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW) and asked,” who should I treat the best?” Our Prophet replied “Your mother”. The person again asked, “after that who should I treat the best?”. The prophet replied,” your mother”. The person asked again,” after that who should I treat the best?” The Prophet (SAW) replied yet again,” your mother”. The person asked for the fourth time, “who should I treat the best after that?”. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) replied,” your father”. This hadith teaches us how precious our mothers are. Our mothers deserve gold, silver and bronze medals.
The main objective of mentioning this hadith was to make the children understand the worth of their mother so that it will be easier for them to treat them the way they deserve to be treated. Children were instructed to help their mothers in the household chores during the month of Ramadan and afterwards as well . Our mothers have so many responsibilities on their shoulders that sometimes it gets difficult for them to take enough time out for Ibadah. If children our educated well about sharing responsibilities from a tender age they will grow up to be responsible and compassionate human beings. The session focused on two aspects:

Helping mothers

Activity 1:
Ibadah tent making
Children were asked to be ready with a piece of saree or bedsheet, a few cushions/pillow, a rope/rubber band for fastening and a mat. A simple tent was taught to the children which they could make in any corner of the house. Children performed the activity enthusiastically. They were all excited to make the tent. Our volunteer Bushra Rahman and I demonstrated how to make the tent. The participants followed every step attentively and each of them came up with beautiful tents. They were asked to decorate the tent and make it more colorful. The main purpose of the tent was to make Ibadah in it.

Activity 2:
Sandwich making

This activity was conducted to teach the children a simple dish without the use of fire. They can easily make a food item for iftaar and reduce their mothers’ work. Our volunteer Lubna Rahman and I conducted the activity. White/brown bread and fillings of individual choice was used. Children showed a lot of interest in making the sandwiches and letting their mothers taste them later on. The smiles on their faces reflected their satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

The workshop was a successful one. It gave me immense pleasure to be a part of this session and impart the valuable knowledge to the young minds. I make dua to Allah (SWT) to guide us in the right path and give us the ability to understand our beautiful Deen. Ameen.

Hadith e Jibrīl

Hadith e Jibrīl

Assalammu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. It always gives me immense joy to teach or train young minds about our wonderful deen. I was looking for yet another opportunity where I could interact with the little ones and convey...

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Tawheed and Shirk

Tawheed and Shirk

Salam. Alhumdulillah! By the grace of Allah on 19th and 20th of February I conducted workshop on Tawheed under Shajar run by Sister Shaheen Yousuf. The workshop consisted PowerPoint presentation on Tawheed, worksheet, games and activities. Topics which were covered...

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Falling in love with the Qur’an

Falling in love with the Qur’an

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Zaynab Bint Jahsh

Zaynab Bint Jahsh

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