Ramadan and Healthy eating

Assalamuallaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuhu

It gives me great pleasure to write this post based on a session that I conducted recently through Shajar Learning.

I delivered a session on “Ramadan and healthy eating”, a topic very close to my heart. I have been guiding and talking to women on other platforms regarding this. For women to learn about nutrition and health is extremely important. Our body is an amanah from Allah and we must look after it well. As women you buy the food and decide what to cook. When you know what is good for your health and make little changes, it improves your health and the health of your family.

Often we think we are eating “halaal” and that’s enough. But we have also been asked to consume from the “tayyib”, an area that is often neglected.

So, fried chicken and chips maybe halaal (permissible), but is it good for you?

It was an absolute delight to work with team Shajar. These are a motivated group of women who have a huge vision for the Muslim community at large and are doing a wonderful job of education women and children, for indeed education is empowerment.

Each one of us is blessed with certain gifts and qualities bestowed upon us by Allah swt. To use these gifts to reach other people and serve them, is realising and living the purpose of our life.

I come from a limited edition of hospital doctors who have transitioned into holistic health. I have knowledge and experience of both conventional and holistic medicine.

I am a certified holistic women’s health coach. I am also a former Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with nearly 20 years of clinical practise. I have worked in India, Saudi Arabia and in the UK, where I now live with my family.

My aim is to help women with hormonal imbalances manifested as period problems, fatigue, weight issues, and skin breakouts achieve inner healing through diet and lifestyle measures. Conventional medicine has its place, and I offer best practices of both forms of medicine with a deep understanding of “disease” and “cure”.

I also help women in pregnancy and postpartum achieve a healthy lifestyle. I also provide guidance with common pregnancy and childbirth complaints.

Allah swt has blessed me with many blessings. The greatest of that is Islam. He guided me from darkness to light, and chose me to know Him and worship Him.

I had my own personal share of health problems in 2020, that made me give up clinical practise. I then trained as a holistic health coach and made changes to my diet and lifestyle that helped transform my health.

I am now on a mission to help other women do the same.

How to contact me?

My website: drnikitaislam.com

You can message through the contact form on the website or through WhatsApp.

My social media handles are all on the website. You can follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook. I have many blogs on my website. Do browse through and sign up for my newsletter. I have a free download on clean eating on the website. Do have a read.

I have a special time sensitive offer for all members of Shajar. A 70% discount on my one to one “quick look” service till the !5th of May.

I am offering 10 discounted sessions from the 6th to the 15th of May, from 09:30 to 10:30 GMT. To book send me a message on WhatsApp 00447883738219. Offers are on first come, first serve basis.

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Telephone: 833-506-3475

Email: shajarlearning@gmail.com